The Amazon is a vast jungle and can only be reached with the proper transportation. Proyecto Global has been working on establishing an aviation ministry in order to be more effective in reaching remote areas. We will work alongside local authorities to meet the needs of the communities, visit local leaders to encourage, provide training and mobilize them to get to new villages wit the good news.                          More about Aviation



Proyecto Global plans to train those who have a desire to learn. With proper training, it can teach people basic medical knowledge, hygiene, dental, water treatment, etc.  With this, there is hope to open doors for the purpose of reaching them with the gospel.


Provide the tools necessary to perform a specific task, this goes along with the education phase of the project. Tools may be a physical and tangible object to new methods or ideologies for the communities. Equipping will be very intentionally offered to facilitate the growth of the kingdom by believers and/or open doors to bring the gospel where it is not yet.


Involves all of the activity and logistics that supports the other three objectives mentioned above. Proyecto Global will strive for an organized, transparent and excellent development of its since all the work is being done first for God and then for man.