COVID-19 RESPONSE Amazon Region
On April 17, 2020, the first case of COVID-19 was reported in the Amazon in Colombian territory. A month later we already had more than 1,000 confirmed cases, 35 confirmed deaths, another 30 pending. The numbers are currently increasing rapidly every day. With the increase in Covid-19 cases, the Amazon has become the state of the country with the highest number of cases per capita. Although the numbers are few compared to other countries such as Italy, Spain or even the United States, the situation is extremely concerning for several reasons: Leticia, capital of the state of the Amazon in Colombia, serves as the center of all cities, towns and communities for the medical care of this entire jungle. We have a main hospital in very poor condition, a private clinic and some 10 health posts that have little or nothing prepared to serve in remote areas. We only have a medical staff of 300 people to cover the needs of more than 80,000 inhabitants. The second option for healthcare is more than 1,000 km away, and there are no roads to access it. Without general aviation service and very inconsistent or almost non-existent air ambulances, Leticia is practically the only option for the entire state of the Amazon. There are only 10 ICU beds and 10 ventilators, of which only 3 can operate at the same time for lack of a good oxygen source. Being located in border territory, we have “twin cities,” Leticia (Colombia) and Tabatinga (Brazil). This, along with some nearby towns and cities, has added more than 3,000 positive cases of coronavirus and more than 400 deaths to the numbers quoted above. 50% of the population of this region is comprised of indigenous peoples, which we have to protect. Geographic location, poor communication, and poor public administration, with no general aviation or air ambulances available, make the increase in case numbers devastating. Including the two countries (Colombia and Brazil) in this region, the medical staff combined, does not exceed 600 to care for a population of more than 160 thousand inhabitants. This is impossible under these circumstances. All medical personnel, local, regional and national governments as well as companies and organizations in this region, are helping greatly but it is simply not enough. In response to some of these needs, our Proyecto Global team has assisted the Amazon community at large, in food security, providing more than 600 kilos of food to populations where food is already scarce due to mobility restrictions. In addition, we are helping to protect the community by providing face masks, medicine, soaps, liquid alcohol and gel. We are partnering with local authorities to provide for those in need. How can you help? By sharing this information and donating, we can all be a part of this great effort! Each contribution can make a difference for the lives of many. 100% of the funds raised go to this cause. Also, because Proyecto Global is a non-profit organization, your donation is 100% tax deductible! As we get more help, we will be able to help not only more people in the community, but also medical personnel who do not have all the necessary resources to function and the PPE to protect themselves, which is essential to keep them safe, so they can in turn care for others. Please consider partnering with us!
To donate to our colombian bank account:
Fundacion Proyecto Global Inc : 94474149433